Mike Barbanica continues to work with out local refineries to enhance safety, prevent flaring and increase transparency and communication with members of our community. Below is Mike’s statement on refinery safety.5

Flaring Should be Limited

Flaring can and should be limited. All scheduled events should be communicated to the public IN ADVANCE so residents can remain indoors for public health purposes. County health officials need to be onsite at every flaring event.

An Upgraded & Ongoing Employee Training Program

Advanced safety training programs and surprise safety drills are essential to operating safely.

Strong Commitment to Lower Emissions

Refineries, working with the Bay Area Air Quality Management District, must continue their work to lower emissions going into the community.

Ongoing & Frequent Safety Inspections

Contra Costa Health must continue to perform frequent safety inspections, both on a scheduled and surprise basis, allowing the inspection team full  access to every area of the refinery.

Transparency & On-going Communication with the Martinez Community

There needs to be an ongoing stream of communication between the refinery, city/county leaders and our residents.

“Mike Barbanica is head and shoulders above the other candidates for District 5 Supervisor and he’s strong on protecting quality of life issues.”

– Thousand Friends of Martinez 6

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