The homeless crisis is REAL, costing local taxpayers $172 million.

In the last four years, Contra Costa County has spent over $172 million in tax revenue toward solving our region’s homeless problem2. But, what do we have little to show for it? The homeless population keeps growing and there seems no end to the crisis in our communities.

See below how your tax dollars are being spent on HOMELESS PROGRAMS that aren’t making a dent in homelessness:3

MIKE BARBANICA is the ONLY Candidate with a Plan to Tackle Homelessness

While politicians spew platitudes about fixing the homeless crisis and throw hard-earned tax dollars toward programs that show little results, Mike Barbanica is actually DOING SOMETHING to tackle the problem:

Mike successfully fought against his city buying a homeless hotel that was located by schools and locations where children play.

As a local small business owner, Mike and his wife, Kristine, created a public/private housing program which personally housed over 565 individuals and families who were homeless or about to become homeless.

Mike is the ONLY candidate for Supervisor with a REAL plan to begin tackling homelessness in our communities.

Accept that what the County is doing isn’t effectively addressing the issue of homelessness, and fight for Contra Costa County to be open to new program alternatives.

Conduct an independent audit of all programs and tax dollars spent by the County to measure the effectiveness of programs financed by tax revenue.

Prioritize the homeless and those on the verge of becoming homeless, families with children, Veterans, and unaccompanied youth to be given FIRST PRIORITY in receiving Contra Costa County’s support and financial assistance. (The City of Houston, for example, has successfully implemented a strategy to eliminate all Veteran homelessness.)

Re-establish and prioritize programs that keep individuals and families from becoming homeless in the first place, before they are forced onto the streets. One way to address this issue includes working with landlords to provide tenants with pre-eviction counseling and other assistance before becoming homeless.

A controversial but necessary approach is the creation of safety zones close to places of business, restaurants, downtown spaces, and locations where youth and families spend time. Sidewalk encampments detrimentally affect small businesses and risk our residents’ health and safety. With community input, Mike will propose safety zone programs adjacent to establishments in areas deemed hot zones for homeless encampments.

“We can NO LONGER ACCEPT THE STATUS QUO by continuing to fund programs that aren’t working.”

– Mike Barbanica4

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